Recommendable UDON restaurants in Kagawa, Japan

Udon 四国

Hello, This page is to introduce my recommendable UDON shops in Kagawa prefecture, Japan. As you may know, Kagawa is most famous city of UDON, or I can say the Udon Kingdom. So many UDON shop in this area, it says there’s around 500 Udon restaurant, meaning more than post stand and convenience store in the smallest prefecture in Japan.

It is very nice idea to enjoy UDON gourmet tour to Kagawa from Osaka or Kobe. Just one day trip is OK. However, it may be difficult to choose which shop is worth visit and eat out of many many similar shops.

Most of you visiting this site may have the following concerns.

  • I don’t know which is the recommendable one
  • How to go there?
  • How to order?

I live in Kagawa and have enjoyed UDON uncountable times and hope I can give you a kind of tips when you consider and choose. I hope everybody enjoy this wonderful soul-food in Kagawa, not only Japanese people, but also foreign visitors.

What is Sanuki Udon?

Before beginning of the topic, let’s review the Udon noodle itself.

Udon are thick Japanese noodles made from flour, water, and salt. They are made all over Japan, but Kagawa Prefecture is the only place to identify so strongly with this food, that they call themselves the Udon Prefecture. Udon from Kagawa are called Sanuki udon, after the old name for the region.

Sanuki udon are distinctive because of their firm texture. This is achieved by kneading and rolling the dough repeatedly. There are many udon restaurants in Kagawa that still make noodles by hand instead of using a machine.

Web Japan
cutting udon noodle

What is most recommendable Udon restaurant?

The selection is based on 3 point of view.

  • Easy access for visitors, around Takamatsu JR station
  • Of course, tasty
  • Good atmosphere for photo shooting

Now let’s see one by one!

Udon Baka Ichidai 手打十段 うどんバカ一代

In order to ensure that customers always eat freshly made noodles, they do not serve udon noodles that have been boiled for more than 10 minutes. The owner’s motto is to make udon that is “tastier than yesterday.”

Most of Udon restaurants are closed after lunch time, but this restaurant is open until 18:00. You can make a plan to visit in the afternoon as well. Please note that every day (especially weekend) lunch time you will find the long lines to the shop, so you’d better to make sure you have enough time.

My recommendable menu is “Butter Kamatama Udon”

How to access Baka-Ichidai?

Located near Takamatsu station. By taxi it takes only 5 mins. If you can use rental cycle you can easily access there.

Address: 1-6-7 Tagacho, Takamatsu-city, Kagawa 高松市多賀町1-6-7


Hariya 手打ちうどん はりや

This popular restaurant has a long and narrow counter that is always full. I can also recommend the souvenir udon noodles so you can enjoy the taste of Hariya at home.

Sanuki Udon’s typical character is think, long, and strong gluten. I can say Hariya is one of the most typical Sanuki udon.

Here also, you may find the long queue not only out side, but also inside the shop. After enter the shop gate, there still be many people waiting for the seats. But definitely this is the restaurant that is worth the wait!

My recommendable menu is Kashiwa-Zaru (Zaru udon with fried chicken), more than half of the customers order this menu.

How to aceess Hariya?

It is far from 3km from Takamatsu JR station. By taxi, within 10 minutes, by rental cycle 20-25 minutes.

Address: 587-174, Goto-cho, Takamatsu-city, Kagawa 香川県高松市郷東町587-174

Sakaeda さか枝うどん 本店

A very popular long-established self-service store behind the prefectural office. The typical self-service style where you heat the noodles yourself, pour the soup stock from the tank, and topping is very popular among customers from outside the prefecture.

The fragrant wheat noodles are chewy, making them exquisite! It goes great with sardine-based soup stock. The sight of a variety of tempura types lined up is spectacular!

You can enjoy a variety of deliciousness by adding toppings to your udon noodles as you like.

My recommendable menu is Kake-udon (simple noodle with hot soup) with Tempura

How to access Sakaeda?

If you are near Takamatsu JR station, you can reach there 10 minutes walk. No need to take taxi. You can find some branch shops in around the city.

The shop open from 7:00-15:00.

5-2-23, Bancho, Takamatu-city, Kagawa

How to order?

“self serivce style” is one of the difficult order way especially foreign people, I suppose. But the process is simple, so no need too worry about it! It depends on the each shop, but basically the following process is usual.

  1. Make a queue
  2. Take a trey
  3. Order what you want at the counter and receive Udon
  4. Take tempura or side dishes if you want
  5. Pay at casher
  6. go to the table with trey
  7. Enjoy Udon
  8. Bring the trey back to the return counter after eating

For more details, you can see this website. (JP/EN/CH/KO)

Please enjoy our soul food Udon and find your favorite restaurant!

See you

¥605 (2024/01/27 17:46時点 | 楽天市場調べ)
